Six shocking effect of being the fairest of them all!

Hi Cuties!

A lot of African ladies just have the notion that being fair is the only way they can be regarded as beautiful. For this reason, the very dark ones want to be fair by all means and go as far as patronizing skin bleaching products in form of skin whitening products which are much available in the market. The naturally fair ladies want to attain the status of being the fairest of them all and so, go forskin bleaching products too.

Everyone, regardless of being a man or woman, wants to have a flawless, even and smooth skin tone. Well, using chemical bleaches for whitening and bleaching skin to achieve this, can cause harm to your skin in the long run.

These are the six shocking effects of skin bleaching;

1. Ages your skin: Skin bleaching effects become more pronounced as you get older. It is not a pretty sight to see someone whose skin has been damaged by prolonged years of hydroquinone use.

2. Kills skin’s pigment cells: It whitens skin by killing your skin’s pigment cells. Also, it degenerates collagen and elastin fibres in the skin. Collagen ought to be strengthened in order to have a youthful, smooth and glowing skin, and not the other way round.

3. Counter-productive. It defeats the purpose which you want it to achieve. For instance, you want a glowing, radiant, healthy and brighter skin, but he long-term use only leads to horrible signs and effects such as unseemly dark knuckles and ankles,  unsightly purplish vericose veins, a patch-work of colours on once beautiful skin, and many others.

4. Unhealthy and pasty look: Even if you succeed in bleaching the skin whiter with hydroquinone products, it often has an unhealthy, pasty look. Besides, once you stop using a skin bleaching product, your skin re-darkens. If you continue, you kill the skin more.

5. Causes irritation: Skin bleaching causes irritations like dermatitis. It increases the risk of other types of skin irritations and severe itching.

6. Bad for tropical regions: If you live in the tropical region, the combination of hydroquinone or any skin bleaching product and the sun is a bad one. Increased risk of ochronosis has been linked to excess sun exposure while using hydroquinone.

My Ladies, please age gracefully and not with disgrace. Love your skin today so that it does not fall apart  tomorrow!
Remember that black is beautiful!

Credit: Madiva's team

posted from Bloggeroid

Six shocking effect of being the fairest of them all! Six shocking effect of being the fairest of them all! Reviewed by Unknown on 23:08 Rating: 5

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