See the 6 things that happens when you eat Tiger nuts.

Hey Lovelies

I used to love tiger nuts when I was little and I didn’t even know they were called tiger nuts. We’d rush towards the mallam that pushed a wheel barrow full of these nuts so we could purchase some and chew to our hearts desire, Ofio is the local name for this tasty nuts. Still, many people do not know the benefit of this nuts, and we pass them (I included) everyday without so much as a second glance, only reminiscing about the good ol’days. Well congrats to those who still love to chew on this nuts, and I say this because you’ve been chewing on a very nutritious piece of fruit.

Below is a list of some of the health benefits of eating tiger nuts

1. Over 30% of the tiger nuts are made of fibre and that’s more than oats, bran and most vegetables and fruits. We all need fibre to aid our digestion and weight loss problems and aren’t we lucky that these nuts contain a lot of it.

2. Arginine is an amino acid that helps combat and reduce blood pressure and these nuts contain a high level of amino acids especially arginine.

3. For your body, nerve and general body system to function properly you need magnesium, and tiger nuts is a good natural source for magnesium which helps with your system flow and blood pressure.

4. Tiger nuts help to regulate your blood level sugar because of the insoluble fibre that can be found in it, also it contains protein which is vital for building the bones, skin and muscle, so you can say they are the best non-meat sauce of protein.

5. Milk without lactose how great is that for those who are lactose intolerant, this nuts contain milk with a lot of calcium that can substitute the cows milk and they also contain 80% of unsaturated fats and only 18% cholesterol causing fats.

6. This nuts are a good source of vitamins like vitamin C and E. It also contains anti-oxidants and along side the vitamin E, which helps to combat free radicals that can cause damage to the body like coronary disease and cancer.

This are 6 heath benefits of eating tiger nuts.
Credit: Madiva's team

posted from Bloggeroid

See the 6 things that happens when you eat Tiger nuts. See the 6 things that happens when you eat Tiger nuts. Reviewed by Unknown on 11:48 Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. Ofio wow got me thinking about my best childhood memories


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